Thursday, February 2, 2012

Go Tim go!

Ever since Tim started eating better and exercising since October of 2010 he has stayed pretty consistent. From tackling P90X with Alan, so running a full Marathon , he has really shown that he is going all out and is making fitness a permanent part of his life. I am so proud of him. This winter he has been taking up rock climbing to stay fit and active. He has been going with his friend Ed who is about 50 but is not letting age slow him down. Anyways here are some pics of the climbing business. . .

February Fun

Here we are again , making a monthly post about the happenings at the Dunn Domain. It has been a weird un winter like winter. There has been very little snow and warmer temps many of the days. Although the snow level has been low, it's still gray and gloomy most days and not to appealing to be outside, so we have to find lots of indoor activities. This can be fun, but somedays I swear those "wholly smooth" painted walls of ours starts talking and making jokes at me behind my back. :) Ok, so I promise I'm not going nuts but if our walls could talk they would probably say stuff like, " Hey you with the messy hair and sweat pants (me) , get outside, cause I'm tired of staring at your poor un-sun kissed pale mug!" or " Hey are you going for a world record to see how many Caillou and House Hunters episodes one mom and toddler can watch in a day???" Anyways ... Its not that bad , but I will be so excited when the weather becomes warmer and we can go play in the sunshine.
As stated early , Caillou has become a regular name around these parts . He is a little bald 4 yr old-kid ( who know where his hair went to) with his own cartoon about his life adventures. It is a cute simple little show , but I just don't know why Lily has singles out this particular show! Every morning he wakes up and usually the first thing she wants is to watch good old "Caillou!" She either watches it on the tv or finds it on our phones.. She is a funny gal. :) We love her so much and are enjoying raising her together in love and grace, hopefully pointing her towards the amazing grace and love of our Lord Jesus. Lily loves having her baby bible read to her and we pray with her nightly. Overall I hope through our day to day lives we can show her and teach her about this God that loves her so much, He sent His Son to die for her! There is a song by Jars of Clay , talking about a little girl learning about Jesus and how she "thanks Jesus for the daisies and the roses " ... I think about Lily now when I hear that song and it puts a smile on my face.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Summer 2011

Pictures takem by Deanna Taylor
August 2011
Logan Utah

January 2012 Update

    It's a new year, so it's time for a new blog post! Time has been flying like wild and I have not been so great at keeping a current blog, but I will try to do better :) I would love to blog at least monthyly and more if possible and then one day print or save this to look at years from now.
  Anyways, 2011 was a good busy year overall. Tim and I have been enjoying watching our little Lily girl grow and blossom right before our eyes. Over the past year she went from a crazy crab crawler to a  walking toddler around 15 months. She defantly had her own unique crawl to get her self around! But once she discovered those legs were made for walking, she was off like the races! Along with walking great she is also talking up a storm. Lily does pretty good at mimicking our words. Some of her favorite words are: dog, cat, more, milk, daddy, mommy, Jack, please, water.... She also likes to tell us what several animals sounds are. A typical convo goes something like this : Mom: "Lily, what does the dog say?" Lily: "woof!" She also knows what the cat, cow, frog, and pig say. :)
   At just over 19 months, she is taking one good nap with an occasional cat nap in the evening. It was a sad day when we said,"bye-bye" to the second nap, but oh well! She continues to go to sleep really well at night and sleeps about 12 hours. She has about 2 cups of whole milk a day with an assortment of foods including: bananas (nana's) , apples, any fruit really, broccoli, breads, chicken nuggets and a little bit of this and that... She is a pretty good little eater.

    Here we are outside during a few warmer winter days, looking for treasures!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lily and Mommy

Lily loves her special mommy time on Christmas! It was better than all the presents.